roadmap esg maturity checkup

ESG maturity assessment, easy and quick.

Obtain a quick ESG “check-up” of your operations. Measure your ESG maturity and take action, now!

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ESG Maturity Score Card

What is roadMAP | ESG Maturity?

The roadMAP | ESG Maturity is designed to provide a quick check-up for organisations’ to measure their overall maturity in environmental, social and governance (ESG) areas. It is an online know-how embeded self assessment tool.

With the use of roadMAP | ESG Maturity, organisations can obtain an analysis revealing their strengths and weaknesses. The result report contains a list of quick-win suggestions spesific for the organisations maturity level, designated to carry the organisation to the next level of ESG maturity.

Number of organisations which assessed their ESG maturity using our methodology so far:
*Last Update March 2024

Obtain AI based quick-win suggestions

You will reach a question set specific to your industry. Your answers will turn into insightful ESG metrics and generate your ESG maturity score.

You will be able to see your strengths and weaknesses separately for Environment, Social and Governance areas and obtain an AI based quick win suggestions for you to improve your score.

You can export your scorecard and share it with your investors, supply chain, use publicly and further needs.

Efficiency in data flow
Efficiency in data flow

Our methodology

The embedded methodology and know-how based on experience over a decade has been bodied itself with roadMAP | ESG Maturity. As you go through your assessment, the numeric answers you give turn into Environment, Social and Governance scores.

A total ESG score is calculated with respect to your answers. The assessment report reveals a detailed visualisation of your stronger and weaker areas. The AI based quick-win suggestions are unique for your specific case and are determined according to your weak spots, enabling you to take immediate action.

Closed group assessment to drive positive impact

roadMAP | ESG Maturity is suitable for closed group tailoring!

This feature enables you to obtain a collective assessment of your closed group, such as your companies, suppliers, members, or similar. Not only will this feature help your closed group members improve their sustainability performance, but it will also give you valuable insights into their efforts. With this information, you can make informed decisions and drive positive change within your group.

If you are interested in learning more about roadMAP | ESG Matuirty's closed group assessment feature, please get in touch with us. We will be happy to provide you with further details and answer any questions you may have.

Don't wait any longer to take control of your sustainability performance. Register for roadMAP now and start your journey towards a better tomorrow.

Efficiency in data flow

Pricing & Features

You will be able to store your assessment reports in our platform or download it as PDF.

This product allows you to create 3 users for your organisation for you to work collaboratively.

Customisable for the needs of your closed group / members / suppliers, this product can offer unique insights about your community. 

Our unique, AI based, and know-how embedded solution comes with a fix price of just 290 USD + VAT per assessment.

Ready to obtain a quick check-up
of your current ESG Maturity?